Ms. Sylvya Cordova » Posts


GOOD Morning!

Good morning my lovely students! I have a LOT of questions about checking in with your teachers. First, BE SURE to check your email and/ Google Classroom on the scheduled days. If there is an assignment or question, etc. do it and turned it in. You just checked in to your teacher! Second, If there is a meet/hangout time make sure that you get the link and join on the scheduled date. Again, you just checked in to your teacher!
Third, you can email a teacher and make an appointment to speak with them via Facetime, Hangouts or on the phone. Just go to the website and click on Teacher Office Hours. Again, you just checked in to your teacher!
Lastly, you can always email your teacher directly with a question anytime.
Be Safe and Kind. The following is my contact information:
Ms. Cordova email contact info is <[email protected]>
OFFICE Hours are on:
Monday from 12:00 pm -2:00pm
Wednesday from 12:00pm- 2:00pm
Friday from 12:00pm- 2:00pm

On Medical Leave

I am on medical leave for this week.  I am hopeful to be back to work soon. Please contact Dr. Ventura if you have any questions at Rivera MS.


SUPPORT CLASSES began for Ms. Cordova's 7th/8th grade Language & Literature classes.  Come every Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4 PM for assistance.
MAKE UP & LATE assignments MUST be turned in during support classes on a first come, first served basis, as time permits.
HOMEWORK-AR reading 20 minutes every night, record and parents signature on reading log.  DUE EVERY Friday.


 Please join my website (it's connected to Aeries AND Google classroom) so you can see WHAT I add for homework, upcoming test, etc.
Make sure that you sign the Reading Parent Report I've sent home for your review,  and return it to me for a grade.
HOMEWORK IS READING 20 MINUTES Mon.-Thurs. and recording it on their reading log.  It is due every Friday.
If you would like to meet for a parent conference my office hours are on Mondays 3:00-4:00 PM in room 12.

MISSING Assignment DEADLINES For D/F 5/17/19

ONLY Failing students can turn in missing assignments on Tu/Th 3-4 PM UNTIL 5/17 no exceptions!

ALL D/F students have received a Progress Report

ALL D/F students have received a Progress Report with their missing assignments.  A copy was e-mailed to parents/guardians today.  Please sign the report and return to Ms. Cordova.
Continue to read 20 minutes Mon.-Thurs. and record in AR log with a parents' signature.  Logs are due every Friday.
Missing assignments can be made up every Tues./Thurs. from 3-4 PM on a first come, first served basis.

Grades Due 3/20/19

D/F students have until 3/13/19 to turn in any missing assignments before grading window closes. 

WRONG D/F Progress reports have been emailed

D/F Progress reports have been emailed/sent home on 2/22/19 for a parent/guardian signature. 
 I accidentally sent home the FALL and SPRING missing assignment report via e-mail.  Please disregard the report from FALL 2018. All work MUST be submitted at tutoring on Tu/Th from 3-4 PM in room 12.  D/F work is accepted on a first come/ first served basis by sign up sheet.  Students MUST sign up in advance to re-take tests or quizzes.  Sign ups are in room 12. 
If you have any questions please email me and submit name and period of the student.

D/F Progress reports have been emailed/sent home.

D/F Progress reports have been emailed/sent home on 2/9/19 for a parent/guardian signature. 
 All work MUST be submitted at tutoring on Tu/Th from 3-4 PM in room 12.  D/F work is accepted on a first come/ first served basis by sign up sheet.  Students MUST sign up in advance to re-take tests or quizzes.  Sign ups are in room 12. 
If you have any questions please email me and submit name and period of the student.


We cordially invite you to be a member of the English
Learner Advisory Committee. The main responsibilities of
ELAC are:
1. To advise the principal and staff on programs and
services for English learners and the School Site Council on
the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement
2. To assist EL Rancho High School in the development of new
programs for students and parents.
3. To advise with the needs assessment survey.
4. To review the annual language census.
5. To advise on how to make the parents more aware of the importance of regular school attendance.
Les extendemos una muy cordial invitación a ser un miembro del
Comité Asesor de Estudiantes de Inglés.
Las principales responsabilidades del ELAC son;
1. Asesorar a la directora y al personal escolar sobre los programas y
servicios para los estudiantes de inglés y el Consejo Escolar en el
desarrollo del Plan Único para el Rendimiento Estudiantil ( SPSA ) .
2. Ayudar a la escuela en el desarrollo de nuevos programas para
los estudiantes y padres de familia .
3. Asesorar con la encuesta de las necesidades de la escuela.
4. Revisar el censo anual de idiomas de la escuela.
5. Asesorar como hacer que los padres sean más conscientes de la
importancia de la asistencia regular a la escuela.

SUPPORT CLASSES begin 1/22/19

SUPPORT CLASSES begin 1/22 for Ms. Cordova's Language & Literature, ELD classes.  Come every Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4 PM for assistance.
MAKE up & LATE assignments MUST be turned in during support classes on a first come, first served basis, as time permits.
HOMEWORK-AR reading 20 minutes every night, record and parents signature on reading log.  DUE EVERY Friday.


If your child received a C- or lower grade and/or a citizenship grade of “N” or “U”in the subject of ELD/ Literature/ Language Arts it’s extremely vital that you and your child attend Parent conference on Thursday, January 17th from 1:30-3:00 PM or 4:30-6:45 PM. by appointment only. This project is worth 50 points and counts for a large part of your child’s grade.  Please make time to invest in their education. If you are unable to attend, please designate an adult to take your place, or e-mail me at <[email protected]>, so we can make other arrangements.

SATURDAY school 12/8

Students that were assigned SATURDAY school on 11/17/18 and DID NOT attend, need to report to SATURDAY school on 12/8 from 8-12:00 PM.
Students who are in danger of failing are expected to attend tutoring in room 12 on Tu/TH from 3-4 PM.  Help is available and assignment, tests and quizzes may be turned in for some credit.  PLEASE check the parent portal to see if your child is failing.

D/F Student Interventions

Students who are in danger of failing are expected to attend tutoring in room 12 on Tu/TH from 3-4 PM.  Help is available and assignment, tests and quizzes may be turned in for some credit.  PLEASE check the parent portal to see if your child is failing.