Involvement Policies
Parental Involvement Policy
Rivera Middle School recognizes that when the school, parents and community form a strong partnership, our children’s potential for educational success improves significantly. With this in mind, every effort is made to promote involvement from all vested parties.
Parents are expected to be involved in the planning, review and improvement of the school site plan and parental policy in an organized, ongoing and timely manner.
Provided with various opportunities to participate in all school activities such as Back-to-School Night, Parent Conference Nights, PBL Showcases and other activities throughout the year.
Good communication is a vital part of increasing parent involvement. We communicate to our parents via the Teleparent automated calling system and handouts and flyers. All calls, letters, announcements, report cards and any other written documents are sent home in both English and Spanish to meet the language needs of our parents. Each student is also given a “minder binder” where parents and teacher can maintain daily written communication.
Parents are invited to participate in our School Site Council (SSC) and English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) meetings held the 1st Monday of each month at 3:30 pm. At these meetings parents have the opportunity to actively access student learning, approve the school plan and develop curriculum and budget objectives.
Rivera Middle School supports the local RMS Parent Teacher Organization. The PTO was established to help RMS with good communications, activities, and to address school wide needs. The PTO organizes teacher recognition luncheons, student award activities, student incentive awards for reading, campus beautification, and overall input to improve the RMS experience.
Open Door Policy
Lastly, our school safety plan includes an open door policy where parents, teachers, students and staff can schedule an appointment with teachers or administration to discuss their student’s need.