2020-21 Drama Syllabus

Rivera Middle School

8th Grade – Performing Arts

Mr. Isley

Course Description: This survey is designed for both the student new to drama and the student with a general background in the theatre.  This class will cover all aspects of theatre – the play, the actor, and the audience. Group and individual work will be used to develop skills in movement, voice, story development, conflict building, characterization, use of theatre terminology, and application of production techniques. Improvisation and memorization required.

Course Objectives: The overall objective of this course is to introduce students to theatre and its components.  By the end of the semester members of this class will be able to:
            1. Understand the performing arts and appreciate them through a new found knowledge

  1. Discuss the origins and values of theatre arts and their place in the contemporary society
  2. Develop stage presence and voice projection through participation in state production activities
  3. Understand and apply knowledge of theatrical aspects of theatrical production
  4. Understand and demonstrate a knowledge of the play production process, including aspects of technical theatre
  5. Demonstrate self-confidence by projection a desired image both in social and professional situations
  6. Demonstrate use of performance techniques:
    A. Movement
    B. Voice projection
  7. Diction
    D. Facial expression
                E. Gesture
  8. Analyze various pieces of dramatic literature
  9. Demonstrate discipline demanded by concentration and focus of characterization
  10. List skills needed in the basic principles of the technical theatre production:
    A. Make-up
    B. Lighting
                C. Costuming
                D. Set design
                E. Construction
    11. Discuss the functions of theatrical management:
                A. House
                B. Property
                C. Stage
  11. Discuss the values of theatre arts and explain their place in contemporary society
  12. Discuss major developments I theatre history from Greek to modern times