PROJECT REMINDERS ~ Due Dates: Research 4/13, Working Body System Models 4/20, Report Forms Distributed 4/23, Completed Forms Due 4/25
Atypical Animal Research Report
Choose One of the animals assigned to you in March Mammal Madness that is still living. [No extinct animals may be used for this project.]
Identify the taxonomy of your animal in the following order WITH Genus and species underlined.
- Kingdom
- Phylum
- Class
- Order
- Family
- Genus
- Species
- What ecosystem does your organism live in?
- What continent or country is your organism found in?
- What kind of den or home does your animal use?
- What adaptations (physical or behavioral) help it survive here?
- FOOD -
- What does your animal eat?
- What adaptations does it have to help it obtain food or eat its food?
- Does it reproduce sexually or asexually?
- How many offspring are produced at a time?
- HOw often does your animal reproduce within a year or its lifetime?
- What special adaptation help it find a mate?
- How does your animal move around in its habitat?
- What special adaptations help it do so?
- What predators does your animal have?
- What special adaptations / behaviors do they have to defend / protect themselves against their predators?
- Add at least one cool fact about your animal that doesn’t fit in the above categories.
- Choose one body system to research for this animal.
- Integumentary
- Muscular
- Skeletal
- Digestive
- Circulatory/Cardiovascular
- Lymphatic/Immune
- Respiratory
- Urinary/Excretory
- Endocrine
- Nervous
- Define the system and compare the system in your animal to the same system in humans?
- How are they similar?
- How are they different?
- DRAW -
- Create a Comparative Anatomy Drawing of the system you chose in both your animal and in humans.
- Draw it in your composition book
- Photograph your drawing
- Upload your drawing to this Google Classroom assignment.
- Design a working model of the system you chose.
- Your model should be able to stand on a table without falling over.
- The model must be able to show how the system functions.
- This project will be on display at the end of the year RMS Showcase.
- This project may also be on display at the 48th District Agricultural Association Science Fair in May..
- Remember -> The Science Fair is an Individual PBL project / grade. Students signed up independently on the computer via the 48th District's Agricultural Association application process during class 2 weeks prior to Spring Break.