Los Países Proyecto
These are the instructions for the project coming up. It will be due on October 7th. These are the details by grade level.
For 6th grade:
You will be assigned a country that you will be researching. For this project you will need to research the following:
The country and capital
The geographic location
The typical food
Important tourist attractions
2 interesting facts about that country
1 famous person from that country
What you need:
You are going to need a tissue box. If you would like to donate some tissue boxes to others, that is optional. Tissue boxes must be rectangular and not squared. Tissue box does not have to be full.
On the top of the box you will write the country and capital.
On 1/ 4 of the box you will add the important tourist attractions
On 2/4 of the box you will add the typical food
On 3/4 of the box you will add two interesting facts
On 4/4 of the box you will add 1 famous person from that country
On the bottom of the box you will add the map of the country (geographic location) and identify the capital and some important cities.
This WILL be presented to the class.
If you would like to receive extra credit, you can bring food from the country that you were assigned. If you are planning on bringing food please bring enough for everyone in order to receive the extra credit. Please make sure to provide your peers with utensils and plates if they need it.
The country and capital
The geographic location
The typical food
Important tourist attractions
2 interesting facts about that country
1 famous person from that country
What you need:
You are going to need a tissue box. If you would like to donate some tissue boxes to others, that is optional. Tissue boxes must be rectangular and not squared. Tissue box does not have to be full.
On the top of the box you will write the country and capital.
On 1/ 4 of the box you will add the important tourist attractions
On 2/4 of the box you will add the typical food
On 3/4 of the box you will add two interesting facts
On 4/4 of the box you will add 1 famous person from that country
On the bottom of the box you will add the map of the country (geographic location) and identify the capital and some important cities.
This WILL be presented to the class.
If you would like to receive extra credit, you can bring food from the country that you were assigned. If you are planning on bringing food please bring enough for everyone in order to receive the extra credit. Please make sure to provide your peers with utensils and plates if they need it.
For 7th grade:
You will be assigned a country that you will be researching. For this project you will need to research the following:
The country and capital
The geographic location
The climate
The typical food
Important tourist attractions
3 interesting facts about that country
1 famous person from that country
What you will do:
You will be making a powerpoint which includes all of your research. This is a breakdown of what each slide should include...
Slide 1: Cover slide including the name of your country as well as your name
Slide 2: The capital of the country
Slide 3: Where on the map it is located and some important cities
Slide 4: Information about major sports played
Slide 5: The climate *be sure to include vocabulary we have used in the past like soleado or nublado
Slide 6: Information about typical food eaten
Slide 7: Information about important tourist attractions
Slide 8: 3 interesting facts
Slide 9: 1 famous person biography
Slide 10: Work cited
This WILL be presented to the class.
If you would like to receive extra credit, you can bring food from the country that you were assigned. If you are planning on bringing food please bring enough for everyone in order to receive the extra credit. Please make sure to provide your peers with utensils and plates if they need it.
The country and capital
The geographic location
The climate
The typical food
Important tourist attractions
3 interesting facts about that country
1 famous person from that country
What you will do:
You will be making a powerpoint which includes all of your research. This is a breakdown of what each slide should include...
Slide 1: Cover slide including the name of your country as well as your name
Slide 2: The capital of the country
Slide 3: Where on the map it is located and some important cities
Slide 4: Information about major sports played
Slide 5: The climate *be sure to include vocabulary we have used in the past like soleado or nublado
Slide 6: Information about typical food eaten
Slide 7: Information about important tourist attractions
Slide 8: 3 interesting facts
Slide 9: 1 famous person biography
Slide 10: Work cited
This WILL be presented to the class.
If you would like to receive extra credit, you can bring food from the country that you were assigned. If you are planning on bringing food please bring enough for everyone in order to receive the extra credit. Please make sure to provide your peers with utensils and plates if they need it.