Parent Organizations » School Site Council (SSC)

School Site Council (SSC)


School Site Council


What is the School Site Council?

The School Site Council (SSC) is a group of parents, teachers, school staff, and sometimes students (in middle and high schools) who work together to improve the school. The main purpose of the SSC is to help make decisions about how the school can best use its resources to support student learning and overall school improvement.

How does it work?

The SSC meets regularly throughout the school year to discuss the school's goals, review data on student performance, and decide on the best ways to support students. The council then helps develop a plan for how to spend money on things like programs, services, and resources that benefit students. By being part of the SSC, parents have a voice in shaping the school's priorities and ensuring that their children's needs are considered.

Who can participate?

Parents, teachers, school staff, and students (at some schools) are all welcome to participate in the SSC. Please contact our office or fill out our contact page form for more information. 

General Information

Rivera Middle School is in the process of electing members to the School Site Council (SSC) for the 2024-25 school year. The SSC is required for schools receiving categorical funds. Rivera Middle School receives the following categorical funds:  Title I.


These funds are used to supplement the regular school program. The purpose of the SSC is to develop a program that is responsive to the needs of students in the school. In order to accomplish this goal, the SSC meets on a regular basis to assess the effectiveness of the categorically funded supplemental programs by planning, developing, and approving the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The SSC also reviews and updates the categorical budget. At Rivera Middle School, the SSC meets on a Monthly through ZOOM.


Members of the SSC include the principal, teachers, other staff, parents and at the secondary level, students. Members of the SSC are elected by their peers; therefore, parents are elected by parents.



School Site Council Meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am  in the School Library.

Meeting dates for 24-25
September 4, 2024
October 2, 2024
November 6, 2024
December 4, 2024
February 5 2025
March 5, 2025
April 2 2024 if needed
Meeting September 4, 2024
Meeting October 2, 2024
Meeting November 6, 2024
Meeting December 4, 2024
Meeting February 5, 2025
Meeting March 5, 2025
Meeting April 8, 2025- if needed