Science 8 ~ Period 4-CORDES ~> Fall 2022 Assignments

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Festival Ticket Purchases in Google Classroom

Festival Ticket Purchases

Want to BUY TICKETS  for the WINTER FESTIVAL ...You can buy them from the Office. 


Legends of Learning: Potential Energy in Google Classroom

Legends of Learning: Potential Energy

The tutorials below should help you in your Quest for Knowledge, Games, and Easy Points to add to your grade for report cards.

Good Luck! 🤞😉


Edpuzzle - Humans and Energy in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Humans and Energy


Edpuzzle - Humans and Energy- Crash Course  in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Humans and Energy- Crash Course


Vocabulary Test Study Session  in Google Classroom

Vocabulary Test Study Session

1.   Use the Quizlet Flash Cards to Study your vocabulary terms. The link is posted in the "Flash Cards" material.
2.   Play 3 games in Quizlet to help you learn your words.
3.   Upload 3 screenshots here of the scores and/or times you earned in this study session. (10 pts each)


#30) Scientific Arguentation 5 Paragraph Essay. in Google Classroom

#30) Scientific Arguentation 5 Paragraph Essay.

HW ~> p 62
1. Write a 5 paragraph essay defending either Claim 1 or Claim 2 from page 62.
2. Use a sheet of paper to write your essay.
3. I will collect your essays on Monday.


#29) TinkerCad: Design a Self-Sustainable Energy Device in Google Classroom

#29) TinkerCad: Design a Self-Sustainable Energy Device

Use the information in the article in your workbook on pages C1-6 to create an invention that the rescue team can carry with them to charge their batteries while on a rescue mission. 
1.  Use the link below to access the design program. 

2.  Use the tutorials below your name on the dashboard to learn how to:

3. Click on "Tinker" in the tool bar.

4. Click on "3D Design" and start designing.

5. When you are done, take a screenshot of the following views:

6. Upload your finished design to Google Classroom,

7. Click "Turn in".

Use the Link Below to Join the Class ~>
Enter your First and Last Name.


#28) Isometric Design- Human Powered Battery Charging Device in Google Classroom

#28) Isometric Design- Human Powered Battery Charging Device

Use Amplify pages C1-6 to reread about the human powered inventions.
You can research "Human powered energy chargers" but your design must be original.

1. You will create a human powered charger for the rescue workers that will help charge their devices.
2. It should show where the generator is attached to the human power source and the battery that is being charged.
3. Your final sketch must be on Isometric paper (I will supply) and must have fine, straight lines that follow the lines of the paper.
4. All parts must be labeled.
5. It is a 3 dimensional view. I should be able to see front, top and right side. (see samples below)
6. You will add color to the final design.
7. You will use a Google Doc. Explain how your device works in detail. You may number the steps to write it up as a set of instructions if you wish.
8. You will turn in your design to your teacher by Thursday or if you are working on it over the long weekend, it must be photographed and upoaled by Sunday night and turned in to me by Monday.
9. Make sure to click "turn in" or "Mark as done" when you have finished.


#25) Harnessing Human Energy > Chapter 2 > LO3: Writing a Scientific Argument in Google Classroom

#25) Harnessing Human Energy > Chapter 2 > LO3: Writing a Scientific Argument


#26) Harnessing Human Energy > Chapter 2 > LO3: Writing a Scientific Argument in Google Classroom

#26) Harnessing Human Energy > Chapter 2 > LO3: Writing a Scientific Argument


#27) Amplify - Week of 10/31 - 11/4 in Google Classroom

#27) Amplify - Week of 10/31 - 11/4

Amplify ~>
            * pgs. 1 - 37 -> Completed
            * Chapter 1 (Lessons 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3) Completed
            * Chapter 2 (Lesson 2.1 / 2.2)  Completed


#23) Type Lessons 1.1,  Lesson 1.2, Lesson 1.3 AND Leson 1.4    [All Sections] in Google Classroom

#23) Type Lessons 1.1, Lesson 1.2, Lesson 1.3 AND Leson 1.4 [All Sections]

All Sections MUST be TYPED in AMPLIFY.

Grading is as follows:






Everyone Else


#21) Conservation of Energy an Energy Transfer [Standard MS-ESS1.B.1] in Google Classroom

#21) Conservation of Energy an Energy Transfer [Standard MS-ESS1.B.1]

MS-PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer. Energy is spontaneously transferred out of hotter regions or objects and into colder ones.

Legends of Learning …

YOU are required to work through the following instructions and must take notes in your INB’s (composition books)

“BEFORE” playing any games ~>

Define these Terms: [No internet => There are dictionaries and Physical Science Textbooks (Blue) in the back of my room on the white & brown bookcase respectively.]

Thermal Energy
Energy Conduction
Energy Conservation
Conservation of Energy
Energy Transfer
Thermal Equilibrium
Heat Flow
Heat Transfer
Heat Capacity

Questions to be answered “BEFORE” playing the game.
What happens to the molecules in a liquid as it is heated?
What are the three types of heat transfer?
What are insulators and conductors used for?
Identify some everyday examples.
Questions to be answered “AFTER” playing the game.
What were the best insulators and best conductors that you saw in the game?
Between radiation, conduction and convection which would you say transfers energy the "fastest"?

Questions to be answered “BEFORE” playing the game.
What is energy?
What are some types of energy?
Can energy be created or destroyed?
Questions to be answered “AFTER” playing the game.
What is energy?
What is the difference between temperature and heat?
Is it faster to heat up olive oil or water?

Questions to be answered “BEFORE” playing the game.
Why does ice "feel" cold and why does a stove "feel" hot?
Describe the process in which a pot of water will begin boiling on a stove. Where does the heat come from and where does it go?
Questions to be answered “AFTER” playing the game.
How does a refrigerator or a freezer work?
What happens to the energy and where does it go?
A cooler and a thermos use insulator properties in order to maintain temperatures inside the container. How does the insulator work in this case?
Does it take more energy to heat up a tub of bathwater to lukewarm or a pot of water to boiling?
Why or why not?
What types of materials make good conductors?
Which ones make poor conductors?

#4)  EDUCAGENT - QUIZ (No further questions to answer)


#20) Unit 1: Lessons 1.1 - 1.3 in Google Classroom

#20) Unit 1: Lessons 1.1 - 1.3

1)  BRING 4 different colors for annotated note-taking.  [You may use highlghters, colored pencils, washable markers, crayons, etc.]
2)  WORKBOOK Pages 1 - 21 should all be completed by now.
3)  Amplify Lessons 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 should all be typed up and the "HAND IN" button should have been clicked on all assignments so that your work may be graded.

All work is Due Friday, Oct 14th.
Report Cards are Due Friday, Oct. 21st.  
Parent Conferences are Due Wednesday, Oct. 26th.


#18) Investigation Notebook Check: L1.2 - L 1.2 in Google Classroom

#18) Investigation Notebook Check: L1.2 - L 1.2

Completed pages 1 - 15

We'll do 16 together on Tuesday.


#19) Edpuzzle - Bill Nye - Energy in Google Classroom

#19) Edpuzzle - Bill Nye - Energy

1. Write down the question.
2. Write down your answer.
3. If the answer is right, AWESOME!!!!
4. If the answer is wrong, write down the correct answer.
5. If you'd like to retake your test, "REMIND" me. [You may retake it only once.]


#17) Homework:  Thursday, Sept 22, 2022 in Google Classroom

#17) Homework: Thursday, Sept 22, 2022

Workbook pgs 9-10


#16) Homework:  Wed. Sept 21, 2022 in Google Classroom

#16) Homework: Wed. Sept 21, 2022

Complete Workbook pages: 
pg 1 ~>  Parent/Guardian has copied sentence and signed page 1.  [See Assignment # 14) Amplify: C1: L1.1 ~> Energy Research Lab]

pg 3 ~> Answer question (1st sentence on the page) below the paragraph.

pg 4 ~>  Read the paragraph, circle the page number and write your Initials next to it. 

pg 5 ~> Next to each vocabulary word, write the definition using the Glossary in the back of the book.  
              Use a hiighlghter to highlight the vocabulary word in the Glossary. 
              Write 1.1 to the left of the vocabulary word in the margin.

pg. 6 ~> Complete page 6. Be sure to asnwer question #2 on this page. If you did not work with anyone, write that as your answer 
                to the question.

pg 7 ~> Complete pg 7. Have a family member or friend be your partner for this activity and have them sign below your response in part 2

pg. 8 ~> Complete pg 8. Answer all questions using complete sentences.


#15) Edpuzzle - Bill Nye: Electricity in Google Classroom

#15) Edpuzzle - Bill Nye: Electricity


#14) Amplify: C1: L1.1 ~> Energy Research Lab in Google Classroom

#14) Amplify: C1: L1.1 ~> Energy Research Lab

1. Use the ink below to Log into your Amplify account.
2. You can can also access through Clever and remember to use your school email.
3. Complete page 1 with your parent/guardian and have them write the sentence:  "I have read and discussed the Safety Guideines for Science Investiagtions on this page with _(your name)____ . __(parent/guardian signature).__________
4.  Complete pages 3 & 4 on your own.
5. We will work on pages 6-8 on Monday in class.


#13) EdPuzzle:   Amoeba Sisters_Scientific Method in Google Classroom

#13) EdPuzzle: Amoeba Sisters_Scientific Method

1) Watch the YouTube:  Amoeba Sisters Biology Learning Playlist Introduction first.

2). Then, do the EdPuzzle.


#12) Lab Safety Review Sheets - Assigned w/ Sub_Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022 in Google Classroom

#12) Lab Safety Review Sheets - Assigned w/ Sub_Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022

Complete ALL 3 WORKSHEETS below. 

All worksheets are DUE at the END OF THE PERIOD TODAY..  

Anything turned in after the period ends will be marked LATE and receive HALF CREDIT.


#10) Lab Safety Intro in Google Classroom

#10) Lab Safety Intro

1) Watch, Focus, & Listen to the PowerPoint

2) Complete the Worksheet as we go.

3) Pay Attention

4) You will take a quiz at the end.


#11) Zombie College in Google Classroom

#11) Zombie College

1. Click on the worksheet and open it with Kami.
2. Watch the video on the BioNetwork web page.
(If you cannot open it, your teacher will play it for the class)
3. Click "Play Now" for the ZC video game.
4. Make sure to write your full name at the beginning of the game.
5. When you finish playing the video game, take a screenshot of the certificate, upload it to the Google Classroom and turn it in with your worksheet.


 #9) Scientific Method ~ Vocabulary in Google Classroom

#9) Scientific Method ~ Vocabulary

Scientific Method


1). Open your INB.

2). At the top of the page, where the large white space is, write the title: “Scientific Method Vocabulary.”

3). Draw 2 lines down the page dividing the page into 3 columns.

4). Label the 1st column: “Word”

5). Label the 2nd (middle) column: “Definition”

6). Label the 3rd (last) column: “Example”

7). Now, write the first Vocabulary term in the first column.

8). Look up the definition of the word in Google. Use the “science” definition wherever one is listed for the word you’re looking up.

9). Copy the definition in the middle column next to the word it belongs to.

10). Show me that you understand the definition of the word. Either draw a picture or explain the vocabulary definition in your own words.

11). Draw a line underneath that block off three going straight across the paper (no angles or drawing around the words or images.

12) Repeat steps 7-11 for all 9 words on the list.


#8) Legends of Learning: Scientific Method in Google Classroom

#8) Legends of Learning: Scientific Method

SUBSTITUTE -> Monday, August 22, 2022 

Complete the work below in your INB.,  We will transfer information to your Digital Notebook together later. 

Go to: Legends of Learning (Use the link below)
     * Scientific Method Instructional Games


#7) Edpuzzle - Bill Nye Scientific Method in Google Classroom

#7) Edpuzzle - Bill Nye Scientific Method


#6) INB_INTRODUCTION Essay & Google Sites Key Terms Portfolio in Google Classroom

#6) INB_INTRODUCTION Essay & Google Sites Key Terms Portfolio

Introduce yourself. 

Write the title "INTRODUCTION" inside your composition book on the top of the first line in that big blank space. Then, you may start writing this essay. 

Write your comments and feelings in paragraph form.  Each number listed here is a separate paragraph. A basic rule is that every time the idea or thought changes, a new paragraph is created.  Be sure to indent each paragraph.  Remember, there are "4" sections shown here.  So, there should be "4" separate paragraphs in your essay as well.


#4) Legends of Learning: Temperature and Total Energy MS-PS3.A-5 Assignment in Google Classroom

#4) Legends of Learning: Temperature and Total Energy MS-PS3.A-5 Assignment

Click the link attached to join the assignment.


#5) All About Me_part 2 in Google Classroom

#5) All About Me_part 2


#3) Parent/Guardian Questionnaire in Google Classroom

#3) Parent/Guardian Questionnaire


#1) All About Me_part 1 in Google Classroom

#1) All About Me_part 1