Mrs. Charlotte Cochran » AVID


The AVID course is designed to support motivated, capable students in pursuing a rigorous course of study leading to acceptance and success in a four-year college or university. Through a variety of instructional techniques, students develop skills in higher-level thinking, writing across the curriculum, and reading strategies for accessing challenging course material. Students develop time management, note taking, research, organization, and other skills fundamental to success in higher-level Math, Social Studies, English, and Science and courses.Students Participate in College,career,and cultural exploration activities, including field trips.

WICOR: Forms the basis of the AVID curriculum. It stands for writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading.

Writing: Students focus on clarifying and communicating their thoughts in all subjects, better understanding materials learned in their core courses.

Inquiry: AVID is based on inquiry, not lecture. The students will be engaged in many activities, from Cornell note taking to tutorial groups which are built on students asking questions which forces them to clarify, analyze, and synthesize material.

Collaboration: The AVID classroom is not a traditional one in which a teacher lectures to passive students. An AVID teacher is a facilitator, advocate, coach, cop, and cheerleader. The students, not the teacher is responsible for their learning.

Reading: AVID students simply don’t merely read words on a page. They are taught to analyze, question, critique, clarify, and comprehend the material. This technique alone will turn students from passive learners into active classroom contributors and critical thinkers, an approach that’s necessary for college admission and success.

Organization and Time Management Skills: Students are required to keep their binders neat, updated, and completely organized. Binders are graded weekly. Students are also taught how to effectively manage their time in order to have a balanced and organized school and personal life.
Cornell Notes: Students will learn how to take and study from the Cornell Note-Taking system, using it in all core courses. Cornell Notes are designed to make studying easier.