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SETH'S LAW (Bill Number: AB 9)

Although California has adopted anti-bullying legislation, LGBT youth are still subject to harassment, intimidation and bullying. Seth's Law will tighten anti-bullying policies in California schools by ensuring that all schools have clear and consistent policies, instituting better training and clearer guidelines for teachers and administrators, and establishing shorter timelines for investigating claims of bullying. AB 9 will help create a respectful and safe environment for all students.

El Rancho USD has incorporated a new program, the Olweus Bully Prevention Program, this year that will give RMS staff the necessary training to help prevent and STOP bulling on our campus.

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is designed to improve peer relations and make schools safer, more positive places for students to learn and develop. Goals of the program include:
  • Reducing existing bullying problems among students
  • Preventing new bullying problems
  • Achieving better peer relations at school

Schools across the country and around the world have experienced positive results from the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. If you have any ideas, or you would like to participate in making the school safer and better, please contact the school office.