Mrs. Alice Barajas » Posts


Hello Parents,
I have sent out progress reports with my students.  They are to show them to you, discuss the scores with you, have it signed by you and have it returned tomorrow. 
If your child is not passing the class, they have been assigned Saturday School.  If your child cannot attend, please make sure you send me a note with them or email me that they will be absent. 
Thank you,
Mrs. Barajas

Check Grade Portal

Make sure you and your children check the grade portal regularly.  There are too many assignments missing at this time.  Get all of the missing assignments turned in before the grade check next Tuesday.  I will be compiling the Saturday School list for Feb. 24.  


I will be closing my semester one grade book this Friday.  This means no new assignments will be given for the current semester after This Friday.  The very last grade they are working on is their Skimmer Lab Report.  
All makeup work is due Monday, December 11, 2017.  Have your students plan accordingly and turn all work in as soon as possible.  

Grade reports sent home.

I have given your children their grade reports today.  This report does not reflect any work turned in this week (Nov. 20-22).  
Please go through it with them, sign it, check the portal this weekend and return it signed on Monday.  
The completion of their make up work and incomplete work is very important.  Remember that there will only be three more weeks before the end of semester one.  
I will be closing my grade book on December 8 and the deadline for make up work is December 11.  

National Geographic Explorer Classroom

To all PLTW students...
If you did not receive a phone call from me, please have your parents go to the PLTW Homework site to read the letter posted.  The event is Tuesday morning and the consent letter must be signed and returned Monday.
Mrs. Barajas


Recuerda si no puede obtener materiales para su hijp/a, puede ponerse en contacto conmigo para solicitar ayuda.  Ningún niño/a debe estar sin las herramientas adecuadas para ayudarles a lograr.
  1. libro de composition 
  2. dos lapizes (madera or mechanica)                
  3. pequeño afilador de lapiz o plomo adicional 
  4. regla de cintimetros                                                                                      
  5. lapizes de color
  6. bolsa o caja para lapizes 
  7. dos plumas, negro o azul oscuro
  8. Marcador para delinear
  9. Pluma roja  (o cualquier color aprobado por la  maestra)    
  10. Cuaderno de tres anillos que se puede compartir con otra clase (incluyido un dividor de ciencia).


Please keep in mind that if you are unable to obtain materials for your child, you can contact me for assistance.  No child should be without the proper tools to help them achieve.                   
  1. composition book (NOT a spiral notebook)                                
  2. two pencils (wood or mechanical)                                         
  3. small sharpener or extra lead                          
  4. a 12 inch and centimeter ruler                                      
  5. color pencils 
  6. pencil pouch or tin 
  7. two blue or black ink pens
  8. highlighter of any color
  9. red pen (or any color approved by teacher) 
  10. 3-Ring binder that can be shared with another class (must include a science divider)               

I am offering extra credit for participating in the following event that is being held during Earth day, April 22, 2017.  
   A Day in Space (see above)