Period 3 CS Discoveries

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Tuesday 2/13

To kick off the app design project that lasts through the end of the unit, students first explore a number of apps designed for social impact that have been created by other students. The class then reviews the Define, Prepare, Try, and Reflect steps of the Problem Solving process as they develop an idea for an app of their own with social impact. Finally, students will form project teams and lay out a contract for how the team will function throughout the development of their app.

Thursday 2/8

Project paper prototype:
Based on the peer interview from the previous lesson, each student comes up with an idea for an app that will address their user's problem. Students then get to create their own paper prototype of their app ideas by drawing "screens" on individual notecards. A project guide directs students through the process including building the app and testing it with their user to see if their assumptions about the user interfaces they created are accurate.

Monday 1/22

Lesson 2 - Understanding your user
Lesson 3 User centered designe Mocro activity:
This lesson guides students through an abbreviated version of the design process they will be seeing throughout this unit. Students first brainstorm a list of potential users of smart clothing. As a class, they then group these ideas into broad categories and each group will choose one category of user. Groups repeat this process to brainstorm needs or concerns of their user, eventually categorizing these needs and choosing one to focus on. Finally, students design a piece of smart clothing, using the specific needs and concerns they brainstormed to guide their decision making. At the end of the class students quickly share their decision-making process and get feedback on how well their product addresses the user need they selected.